“All the Devils are Here” is the 16th novel in Louise Penny’s popular Chief Inspector Gamache series. This book finds the Gamache family on vacation in Paris. The story line involves their visit with Gamache’s billionaire godfather, an accident, and the discovery of a strange key that unlocks secrets kept for decades. Gamache’s search for the truth leads readers through the City of Light, from the top of the Eiffel Tower to the depths of the Paris Archives and other places of interest in between.
To quote the author, “This is a book of love, about belonging. About family and friendship. It’s about how lives are shaped by our perceptions, not just by our memories but how we remember things. It is about choices and courage.” For Louise Penny fans, it is a wonderful continuation of the story of Armand Gamache and his family. –EC
“All the Devils are Here” is available in several formats from the Huron County Library.