A new cookbook by Giada DeLaurentiis, “my recipes for LA DOLCA VITA” (the good life) helps us to rediscover the simple pleasures of “feeding food you feel good about to people you care about.” You don’t have to be a seasoned chef to enjoy Giada’s newest publication. Even kitchen “newbies” will delight in using the easy to follow recipes using common ingredients or simply enjoying the spectacular photographs taken in and around Rome. In this busy world of technology, endless schedules and take out menus- the easy to source and cook recipes remind us of that important Italian lesson: “we need to slow down and appreciate the foods we prepare and the people we share it with.” Don’t let the Italian names deter you. Some dishes to try: *Lemon and Pea Alfredo *Roasted Parmigiano Potatoes *Peach and Almond Crostata Enjoy_Godere!!—LS