(Refer to the end of this document for Amendments)
Friends of Bayfield Library (FOBL) is a non-profit organization of volunteers that exists to provide community support for the Bayfield branch of the Huron County Library system. We believe that good public libraries are critical to maintaining healthy, thriving communities. Friends of Bayfield Library works to establish closer ties between the library and the local community to increase awareness and interest in the functions and resources of the library, promote literacy, and raise funds for special projects that are beyond the scope of the library budget. Friends of Bayfield Library works in collaboration with Huron County Library staff and with other like-minded community groups to achieve common objectives and sponsor events relevant to the public library’s role as a significant cultural and educational institution.
Anyone who shares a love of public libraries and wishes to promote the value of the Bayfield branch of the Huron County Library system is welcome to join Friends of Bayfield Library.
Membership fees are agreed by majority vote at the Annual General Meeting.
FOBL operates within and abides by the terms of the Huron County Library Board Friends of the Library Policy (LIB-OP-51). The affairs of FOBL are managed by an Executive Committee comprising the following officers and committee members: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and 5 at-large members who are elected at the Annual General Meeting. No person may hold the office of President for more than two years. If the post of any officer or committee members should become vacant between elections, the Executive Committee has the power to fill the vacancy.
All meetings of the FOBL Executive Committee are open to the public, however, only members of the Executive Committee may vote on motions.
An Annual General Meeting will be held in the month of June to:
- Approve the Minutes of the previous year’s AGM.
- Receive reports from the President and Treasurer.
- Elect the Executive Committee.
- Consider changes to the Constitution.
- Appoint an auditor for FOBL’s accounts every two years.
- Deal with other relevant business.
From time to time, as necessary, a general meeting may be called with at least 10 days notice.
All currently paid-up members may vote on motions at general meetings. Motions will be accepted by simple majority. In the event of a tie, the President will cast the deciding vote.
- The financial year runs from January 1 to December 31.
- The Treasurer is responsible for the preparation of the annual accounts of FOBL. All cheques drawn against FOBL’S funds will be signed by the Treasurer and one other nominated officer.
- Annual reports from the President and the Treasurer will be submitted to the Huron County Library Board.
- The accounts will be audited every 2 years by an independent person elected during the Annual General meeting.
In the event of the dissolution of FOBL any assets thereof will be given to the Huron County Library Board to be used on behalf of the Bayfield branch.
Constitutional Amendments
NOTICE OF MOTIONS – September 12, 2015
- The Annual General Meeting will be held prior to September 30th each year. Moved: Arlene Timmins, Seconded: Doreen Lalor, Carried.
- Meeting procedure will follow Robert’s Rules of Order except as otherwise approved. Moved: Barbara Brown, Seconded: Gayle Dunn, Carried.
- Membership dues shall be a one-time fee of $5.00 for a lifetime membership. Moved: Truus Dragland, Seconded: Arlene Timmins, Carried.
- Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Past President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and a maximum of seven (7) members at Large all with equal and full voting rights. Moved: Arlene Timmins, Seconded: Doreen Lalor, Carried.
NOTICE OF MOTIONS – September 12, 2019
- Under extenuating circumstances (e.g., severe weather, injury or health issues, out of country, etc.), members are permitted to attend meetings using telephone or other electronic means to communicate synchronously, if organized in advance so as not to delay the meeting start time. Moved: Jen Pecoskie, Seconded: Elizabeth Cloran, Carried.
- For urgent matters the Chair (or Chair-designate), in consultation with FOBL members, is permitted to use voting by electronic means (e.g., email) following an outlined method, only when quorum is not achieved in the regularly scheduled meeting. Moved: Jen Pecoskie, Seconded: Elizabeth Cloran, Carried.
Method for voting by electronic means:
– The Chair (or Chair-designate) emails the board members, communicating: A) the issue, B) the summary of discussion from the meeting, C) the motion to board members, and D) a voting due date (no more than 7 days from original email), which closes the voting period. No ‘second’ would be needed.
– The Chair (or Chair-designate) is encouraged to send the vote email as soon as possible (no more than 7 days from the original meeting date) following the meeting with the above inclusions.
– If any member has questions on the issue resulting from the Chair’s (or designate) email, they can ask for clarification (using email), within the stipulated time period.
– To cast their vote, board members reply to the original email using Reply-All, by typing their vote (i.e., IN FAVOUR or NOT IN FAVOUR or ABSTAIN) and their name.
– To be a valid vote, the number of votes cast, within the time period, must meet or exceed the simple majority of board members, following regular quorum rules. If quorum is not achieved via returned votes, the issue and motion are tabled and added to the next meeting agenda.
– The Chair follows up with board members via email announcing the results of the vote, and any resulting actions can be taken.
– If passed (‘In favour ‘vote) or not passed (‘Not in favour’ vote), the motion and results of the vote must be read into the next official meeting so the results are captured in the official record (via the minutes).