Our virtual Saturdays at the Library speaker series continues.
Please join us by Zoom on Saturday, April 24th at 10:30 AM as we welcome our next speaker. Margot Sippel’s topic will be “Back in the Caves”. In her talk, Margot will explore how some recent discoveries have deepened the mysteries of prehistoric cave art. Archaeologists and researchers now believe they may have been off by thousands of years in some of their theories about the beginnings of art. This new information has them asking: what might have led to the rush of creativity more than 50,000 years ago?
Margot Sippel is an Art Therapist, cave art enthusiast, and Bayfield resident. If you’ve heard Margot speak about prehistoric cave art before, you know what a fascinating talk this will be!
Please pre-register for the Zoom meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_ck6BipdeT22ZJg-vP138XQ