“The Stranger Diaries” by Elly Griffiths is an intriguing mystery set in the English countryside. The writing is witty with well developed characters.
Clare Cassidy is a high school English teacher who moves, with her daughter, to a new school in the country. Clare’s specialty is the work of the late author, R.M. Holland, and it is to his village that she moves. Holland’s most famous work is a Gothic novel, entitled “The Stranger”.
When Clare’s colleague and friend is found dead with a quote from Holland’s novel next to her, Clare becomes involved in the mystery. The police suspect that the murderer is someone known to Clare and they warn her to be careful. To record her suspicions and her fears, Clare turns to her diaries. One day, she notices someone else is writing in her diary – warning her that she should be aware they know all about her suspicions. Clare feels that the plot of “The Strangers” is coming to life!
This book is a real page turner – a great summer read! “The Stranger Diaries” is available at the Huron County Library in several formats and on cloudLibrary (also in audio format).