Our final speaker event in the 2023 Virtual Saturdays at the Library Speaker Series will be held on Saturday, March 25th at 10:30 a.m. The topic will be: “The Fresh Water Crisis – Thinking Globally, Acting Locally”
Please join us by Zoom as we welcome our March guest speakers from Blue Bayfield: Ray Letheren, retired teacher, Bayfield resident, and co-founder of Blue Bayfield; and Betty Durst, retired nurse, health sciences teacher, community health promoter, and Blue Bayfield volunteer.
The health of citizens throughout the world is threatened by the diminishing access to clean water for consumption and sanitation. As an important resource, water is becoming increasingly precious and valuable. The water crisis is not restricted to developing countries; it also impacts the health of the 45 million people dependent on the Great Lakes for clean water. The Great Lakes represent the largest body of freshwater lakes on earth (by area) and contain 21% of the earth’s surface fresh water (by volume).
Learn about Blue Bayfield’s recent initiatives to raise awareness about the global water crisis and the pressing need to protect and conserve our life-sustaining water resources closer to home – the Great Lakes.
Pre-registration is required for this free, online event: https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_yIZGlyXQR8Ow-wGRjOoWtw
All are welcome!